Digital sentry error id128
Digital sentry error id128

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  • Quick Release Molex Connectors permit fast removal of the controller.
  • LED Lights show when the relays are powered.
  • digital sentry error id128

    Delay Fire: Set the time that the firing is to start.Program Safety Lock for the program in active memory.20 Segment Display is easier to read than the previous 7 segment.Error Messages report mechanical problems such as a disconnected thermocouple, bad voltage, temperature deviation, etc.Thermocouple Selection: The Sentry 2.0 can operate types K, S or R thermocouples.30 Month Sentry 12-key Controller Warranty.Audible Temperature Alarm to remind yourself to close a vented lid or to check the kiln near firing completion.Program Review lets you check that the program you are about to fire is correct.

    digital sentry error id128

    Helpful for fusing glass-achieve the exact degree of fusing that you desire.

  • Add Time Key adds five minutes to a temperature hold with each key press during firing.
  • Use this feature to correct programming errors.

    digital sentry error id128

    Stop/Back Key goes back one step with each key press during programming.Rate: At the factory, we can configure your controller to show rate as degrees of temperature change per hour (the default), degrees of temperature change per minute, or elapsed time needed to reach a temperature.The controller will show you the cost of electricity to fire that load. After the kiln fires to completion, press the 8 key. Firing Cost: In Options, enter your cost of electricity and the amperage listed on the side of your kiln.Temperature display in bright red throughout firing and cooling in your choice of ☏ or ☌.Some of the exciting features of this controller:

    digital sentry error id128

    You can program the Sentry 12-key in seconds enter the temperatures with a key pad. Each segment has a temperature, firing rate, and, if desired, a temperature hold. Vary the firing and cooling to obtain different effects from the same glaze. Ramp-Hold allows you to infinitely adjust each part of the firing cycle. It replaces the earlier 1/8” thermocouple. The standard thermocouple on most Paragon kilns equipped with the Sentry 3.0 is the ¼” Type-K. The thermocouple senses temperature inside the kiln. Nevertheless, please remember that you should monitor the kiln occasionally during firing, especially near the expected shut-off. Owning a Sentry is like hiring an assistant to watch your kiln. The controllers add convenience and repeatable accuracy to your firings. and the controller manufacturer, the Orton Ceramic Foundation. These advanced controllers are the result of intensive design effort between Paragon Industries, L.P. Paragon digital kilns are powered by either the 12-key Sentry 3.0 Sentry digital temperature controller or the smaller 3-key Sentry Xpress 5.0.

    Digital sentry error id128